- Madison Arts Commission:
(formerly CitiARTS) grant programs distributes funds
to Madison artists and non-profit arts organizations. http://www.cityofmadison.com/mac/index.cfm
- Urban
Spoken Word Collective:
Monthly slam and open mike 3rd Saturdays; monthly workshop. dahiii@hotmail.com
- Council
For Wisconsin Writers: Annual Wisconsin Writing
Awards; $500 for book-length poetry published in previous calendar year;
deadline Jan. SASE for rules to P.O. Box 55322, Madison, WI 53705-55322
or see www.wiswriters.org
- Hessen-Wisconsin
is a cooperative program between writers in the sister
states of Wisconsin amd Hessen, Germany. Dirk Huelstrunk visited Madison
in 2003 (if you missed hearing his excellent "Poem against War,"
read it here)
and recently in 2011; Madison poet Matt Guenette did a resisency in
Germany in 2010.
- PortalWisconsin:
non-profit Web site created by the Cultural Coalition to promote culture
including, arts, humanities and history in Wisconsin.
- Wisconsin
Arts Board 608-267-2027; FAX 608-267-0380. Mark Fraire
handles their Fellowship awards to individual artists in poetry (among
other disciplines). His direct phone number is 608-264-8191 and his
email is mark.fraire@arts.state.wi.us.
- Wisconsin
Assembly for Local Arts:
a resource for artists, arts organizations, arts supporters,
arts audiences, and Wisconsin's future. Arts, community, and advocacy
news and updates, technical assistance and nonprofit management information,
links to the local, state, regional, national and international galaxy
of cultural individuals and organizations, Wisconsin arts jobs, link
to Assembly members' websites, join. Anne Katz, Executive Director,
P.O. Box 1054, Madison, WI 53701-1054. (608) 255-8316, (608) 255-0334
fax, e-mail: akatz@wisconsinarts.org.
- Wisconsin
Fellowship of Poets: The
only state-wide poet's organization. Anyone can join. The
WFOP holds state-wide conferences in spring and fall. The
South Central
(Madison-area) VP is James
Roberts. You can reach him at: 324 Kedzie St. #30, Madison, WI
53704, (608) 242-7340, JRob52162@aol.com for more information. The Museletter is mailed to members quarterly;
e-mail the editor, F.J. Bergmann, at wfopmuseletter@gmail.com.
- Wisconsin
Writers Association See https://wiwrite.org/.
- The
Academy of American Poets: The
largest poetry organization in the country, it supports American poets
at all stages of their careers and fosters the appreciation of contemporary
poetry. Many, many programs and funds. www.poets.org/index.cfm.
- The
Haiku Society of America The Midwest Region has an active chapter. http://www.hsa-haiku.org/regions/midwest.htm
- National
Federation of State Poetry Societies: Listing
of state poetry organizations as well as the contests and activities
they sponsor. www.NFSPS.com.
- Poetry
Society of America: A
wide variety of programs, awards, and resources. www.poetrysociety.org/
info about local & national associations useful to
poets to arachne@madpoetry.org